Joan's Handy Sayings
Uncle Matt’s wife Aunty Joan had many sayings that can come in handy. Here are a few from her son Brent that Melanie thought we should pop here so we don’t forget them.
I hope the end’s quick when it comes
Another blasted birthday
I’m living on my nerves
Oh, I don’t want any fuss
I’m still getting over the shock of (insert name)’s outfit
I’m just trying to keep body and soul together
It will either be good news .. or bad .. but we’re hoping for good
Oh, don’t bother me with it
I’m all at sixes and sevens
I could just scream, but I know if I started I’d never stop I
’m at screaming point
My mind’s made up, I’m refusing all treatment
I’m just waiting to see what way he’s going to jump (father)
I feel like I’m walking on egg shells the whole time (living with father)
He can get very nasty very quickly (father)
He just went up like a rocket (father)
I could just walk to the nearest bit of water (response - don’t walk, I will drive you)
All my lovely family are dead
It’s the not knowing that’s the worst
I think he might be …… you know (said in hushed tones, referring to someone who may be gay)
It just worries the soul case out of me
Who’s been killed now …….. oh, don’t shock me!
I've got my summer feet! (itchy)
I've never felt so dowdy in my life.
He'd take wheat from a blind hen.
I'm as weak as a kitten.