Homemade Lemonade

Lulu and Julu manning the lemonade stand at Taupo.

Lulu and Juju manning the lemonade stand at Taupo.


Our holiday house at Taupo is ideally situated on the man walking path to make the selling of lemonade an ideal activity for children. I was horrified one day to find the kids selling essentially water mixed with a squeeze of lemon juice to unsuspecting passersby. Hence I had to up our game and we started selling this instead. It is delicous and is a Chelsea Sugar recipe.


3 lemons scrubbed in cold water

750g sugar

25g citric acid

1.5 litres water


Take the rind off the lemon using a potato peeler, being careful not to get any of the pith. Place the peel and 1 cup of sugar in a food processor and run until the rind is really gorund up and the sugar is yellow and oily looking. Tip into a large saucepan.

Squeeze all lemons and strain to remove pips. Mix the juice with the lemon sugar in the saucepan and add the remaining sugar and the citric acid. Add the water and cook over a medium heat stirring unti the sugar dissolves.

Cool, pour into clean bottles and store in the fridge.

To serve, dilute with water - 1 part cordial to 3 or 4 parts water.