Lemon Honey

Due to her extreme meringue making, Helen often has a surplus of egg yolks she needs to use up. Here are two receipes for lemon honey. One uses whole eggs and the other uses up egg yolks if you have some left over. You can make this on the stove top or in the microwave (how 80’s).

Ingredients (Whole Egg Version)

75g butter

3/4 cup sugar

2 teaspoons grated lemon rind

1/3 cup lemon juice

2 large eggs beaten

Ingredients (Egg Yolk Version)

1 cup sugar

100g butter

Grated rind one lemon

Juice of three lemons

1 whole egg

3 egg yolks

Method (for both)

Put butter, sugar, juice and rind in a little jug and cook on high for one or two minutes (until sugar is dissolved). Mix and gradually add to egg mixture, stirring well.

Return to the jug and cook on medium (50%) sitrring every minute until mixture thickens (3-5 minutes). Mixture will thicken more as it cools. Remember to put on Medium each minute.

Beat the egg mixture really well so you don’t get bits of white in it when you add it to the hot mixture - if you do, put it through a sieve. Hx