Juliette's Seeded Crackers

I got invited to a Juliette Hogan event and at the event they served these delicious crackers which Juliette had made. They also shared the recipe. They’re really easy and very moreish!


3T sunflower seeds

3T pumpkin seeds

3T linseeds

3T sesame seeds

1/2c Cornmeal flower

1/2c millet

1/8c olive oil

3/4c boiling water

Salt & Pepper to taste

Optional Extras: Garlic powder or finely shopped freshherbs like rosemary


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees.

  2. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add olive oil and boiling water and mix well.

  3. Spoon half the mixture onto a large baking tay lined with baking paper. Place antoher piece of baking paper on top and flatten until even and thin.

  4. Repeat on antoerh tray with remaining miture. Sprinkle salt on top.

  5. Bake for around 20 minutes or until firm enough to flip over. Then flip and continue baking until crispy but not too brown.

  6. If the edges brown too quickly, you can remove them and continue baking the rest.

  7. Once done transfer the crackers to a wire rack to cool.

  8. When cooled, break apart and store in an airtight container.